Thursday, July 23, 2009

Certified Arowana with Proven Certificates

Since the establishment of BMA a.k.a Bukit Merah Aquaculture had unintentionly attract many investors to joint the team. However, Ming Loong Aquarium is one of the active investor to go into this industry in breeding various types of Malaysia Golden Arowana or locally called it as "Dragon Fish".

With its unique logo of BMA, it helps our local Malaysian investors to build more confident in the aquaculture industries. Besides, it helps to cultivate local and foreign likeabouts to have knowledge of breeding Arowana, raring Arowana and also as an hobby.

At Bukit Merah, its natural habitats, good geographical status and Bless from the God has help Ming Loong Aquarium to move forward in this business and the near future, all the young breeds will be penentrate to our Asia Country as well as to America continent. Thus, hardworking, determination, never give up, patience and the support of his family have help the owner of Ming Loong to build himself a neverending flow of business.

The Certificate of Identity is a special indication to the Arowana fish as a recognition of it appearence.